Sunday, January 14, 2018

How to send Twillo SMS from Azure function

Step 1 : "Twilio": "5.9.0" Add this library in your function project.json file of azure function

Step 2 : #r "Twilio.Api" for import twillo library add this line in your run.csx file of azure function

Step 3 : using Twilio; add this for use twillo code

Step 4 :

string accountSid = "YourAccountSID";
string authToken = "YourAccountAuth";
Step 5 : Create class for return response 

public class OutResponse
public string ID {get;set;}
public string Status {get;set;}
public string MobileNo {get;set;}
public string DBID {get;set;}
Step 6 : Twillo SMS Send Code

OutResponse mytempList = new OutResponse();

 var client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken);
 var message=client.SendMessage(
  FromNo "Get From Twillo Panel",

 mytempList.ID = message.Sid;
 mytempList.Status = message.Status;

 mytempList.MobileNo = message.To;

 mytempList.DBID = myQueueItem.EmailBody;

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