Saturday, December 9, 2017

How to Install SQL Sever 2008 R2?

How to Install SQL Sever 2008 R2?

=>   Sql Server Installation Step Follow Bellow : - 

1) First of all download sql server management studio 2008 then click setup see image 

2) Second step display installation dialog box see image

3) Third step display SQL Server Installation Center Then select "New Installation or add features to an existing installation" Text click see image

4) Then display setup support  rules dialog box see image

5) This step is display license terms then by default two checkbox is unselected display see image

6) This step is select two checkbox then enable next button see image

7) This step is display feature selection then click next button see image

8) This step is display error reporting dialog then click next button see image

9) This step is display complete installation see image 

10) This step is display your setup is ready to user create new database see image

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